Help - Configure Timesheet

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This help takes you though a number of the most common functions that a golf club undertakes. There are step by step instructions on each example. If you need help or are in doubt about the operations you are tring to perform then contact us directly.

EXAMPLE 1: Change the time interval for a day This example shows you how to change the time interval for a chosen day. e.g. you may want to re-configure the time interval for an open week competition from 8 minutes to 10 minutes.
Note: You must delete a day before you can re-configure the time interval for that day.

EXAMPLE 2: Change the time interval for a time period within a day. This example shows you how to change the time interval for a 2 hour period with a day e.g. you may want to re-configure the time interval between 10am to 12am to a 10 minute time interval for a society outing.
Note: You must delete times with a time interval before you can re-configure the time interval for that time interval.

EXAMPLE 3: Change the time interval for multiple days. This example shows you how to change the time interval for multiple days. e.g. you may want to re-configure the time interval for open week from 8 minutes to 10 minutes.