Configure Timesheet Help

!!! Warning !!!

Before you perform this operation please ensure you print out a copy of any bookings on the day you are re-configuring, otherwise you'll loose this data.

Example 2: Change the time interval for a time period within a day.

In the example below we're going re-configure the 27-Oct-2004 with the details below:
(a) Between 10:04am and 12:04pm re-configure the tee interval to 10 minutes

Step 1: Select the function

Under the function drop down menu select 'Delete tee-times within a day'.

Step 2: Select the Year and Date

Step 3: Select the period of time you want to delete

Step 4: Confirm the day you want to delete the times from

Check the day you want to re-configure at the bottom of the form e.g. Wed

Step 5: Check the form looks like this after selecting the appropriate options.

Step 6: Submit the form

Click on the button 'Configure the timesheet'

Step 7: Check the timesheet for that day

If you now check the timesheet you will see that the tee-times between (and including) 10:04 and 12:04 have been deleted.

Note: The tee times have now been deleted you now want to add the new tee-times with the new interval.

Step 8: Change the selected function

Change the selected function to 'Configure tee-times within a day'

Leave the rest of the fields as they are.

Step 9: Choose the time interval

Select the time interval of 10 minutes.

Step 10: Check the form looks like this after selecting the appropriate options.

Step 11: Submit the form

Click on the button 'Configure the timesheet'

Step 12: Check the timesheet for that day

If you now check the timesheet you will see that the tee-times between 10:04 and 12:04 have a 10 minute interval.