Configure Timesheet Help

!!! Warning !!!

Before you perform this operation please ensure you print out a copy of any bookings on the day you are re-configuring, otherwise you'll loose this data.

Example 1: Change the time interval for a particular day

In the example below we're going re-configure all days between 15-Nov-2004 to 19-Nov-2004 with the details below:
(a) 10 minute time interval
(b) Start time 7am
(c) End time 6pm.

Step 1: Select the function

Under the function drop down menu select 'Delete one or multiple days'.

Step 2: Select the Year and Date

Step 3: Confirm the day you want to delete

Check the days you want to re-configure at the bottom of the form e.g. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.

Step 4: Check the form looks like this after selecting the appropriate options.

Step 5: Submit the form

Click on the button 'Configure the timesheet'

Step 6: Check the calendar

If you now check the calendar you will see that the days you have just deleted the tee times for are shown as 'Not set up' (Follow the Key).

Note: The tee times have now been deleted you now want to add new tee-times for those days with the new interval.

Step 7: Change the selected function

Change the selected function to 'Configure one or multiple days'

Leave the rest of the fields as they are.

Step 8: Choose the time interval

Select the time interval of 10 minutes.

Step 9: Select the start and end time for the day.

Step 10: Check the form looks like this after selecting the appropriate options.

Step 11: Submit the form

Click on the button 'Configure the timesheet'

Step 12: Check the calendar

If you now check the calendar you will see that the day you have just configured is now shown as configured (Follow the Key).