
Wrekin Golf Club - The 1st - Calendar - Dec 2025

Time Name
Wed 31 Dec
 08:28 - 08:44   Mixed Mad March Open (Open Competition)
 08:52   Shropshire Over 50 & 60's Cricket (Society)
 09:00   The Mill at Leighton (Society)
 09:08   Wrekin College (Society)
 09:16   Huntsman Golf Society (Society)
 09:24   Alison Gledhill (Visitor)
 09:32   Shropshire Over 50 & 60's Cricket (Society)
 09:40   Wellington Rotary Golf Day (Corporate)
 09:48   Diggers Golf Society (Society)
 09:56   Bromsgrove & Redditch Police GS (Society)
 10:04   Chase Golf Club (Society)
 10:12   Q Financial Golf Day (Corporate)
 10:20   SHUGC PAST CAPTAINS (County Match)
 10:28   Tom Slattery (Society)
 10:36   Good Shots Golf (Society)
 10:44 - 11:00   Junior Section Fundraiser (Open Competition)
 11:08   Tom Smith (Guest/Member)
 11:16   Oswestry GC (Society)
 11:24   GolfNow Booking (Visitor)
 11:32   Sedgley Ex Servicemans GS (Society)

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