Sudbury Golf Club Sudbury Golf Club

Sudbury Golf Club - 1st Tee - Calendar - Jul 2024

Time Name
Mon 1 Jul
 08:00 - 19:00   R. Bensons Golf Day - Restaurant
 09:00 - 15:00   R Bensons Golf Day (Society)
Tue 2 Jul
 09:32 - 09:56   Grannies Salver (Competition)
Wed 3 Jul
 08:44   Skinner Match (Competition)
 09:00 - 19:30   Creative ITC Golf Day - Restaurant
 09:08   Angela Spelman (Competition)
 09:16 - 09:48   Creative ITC Golf Day (Society)
 10:04   Richard Chapman (Competition)
 11:32 - 12:20   Creative ITC Golf Day (Society)
 13:32 - 14:04   Creative ITC Golf Day (Society)
 14:44   Skinner Match (Competition)
 15:24   Chris Boyle (Competition)
 16:04   Nicholas Theobald (Competition)
Thu 4 Jul
HHS v Mill Hill (away)
 09:16   Daniel Jeffries (Competition)
 09:56   Skinner Match (Competition)
 10:04   Melissa Randall (Competition)
 11:00 - 12:30   Engineers of Ireland GS - Restaurant
 12:28 - 13:32   Engineers Of Ireland (Society)
 14:36 - 15:40   Engineers Of Ireland (Society)
 17:00   Niall Keogh (Competition)
 17:16   Jim Judd (Competition)
 18:00 - 23:00   Engineers of Ireland GS - Restaurant
Fri 5 Jul
 07:00 - 23:30   J Coffey Construction - Restaurant
 11:00 - 16:28   Linda Corcoran (Society)
Sat 6 Jul
 07:32 - 12:04   July Medal (Competition)
 12:30 - 13:30   Ladies Match Lunch - Restaurant
 13:16   Teresa Coffey (Club Match)
 13:32 - 14:04   Ladies V Muswell Hill (Club Match)
 14:12   Scratch Match (Competition)
Sun 7 Jul
 07:24   Skinner (Competition)
 09:08   Skinner (Competition)
 13:00 - 13:40   Ladies Scratch V Mill Hill (Club Match)
Mon 8 Jul
 10:04   Whichcote Match (Competition)
 14:00 - 19:00   Funeral Reception - Restaurant
Tue 9 Jul
 09:16   Lizzy Lowdon (Competition)
 09:24 - 09:56   Ladies Veterans Cup (Competition)
 17:00 - 19:00   Firefly Meeting - Conference Room
Wed 10 Jul
 09:08   Adrian Gans (Competition)
 10:30 - 12:00   Disabled Society Golf Day - Restaurant
 11:16 - 11:48   Disabled Golf Society (Society)
 14:20   Mayur Patel (Competition)
 14:44   Nilesh Lukka (Competition)
 18:00 - 20:00   Disabled Society Golf Day - Restaurant
Thu 11 Jul
HHS v Chorleywood (away)
 08:20 - 09:00   Seniors V Northwood (Club Match)
 10:28   Skinner Match (Competition)
 12:00 - 15:00   Greenford Rotary Club - Sun Lounge
 12:00 - 13:00   Sir James Hacker GS - Lounge Bar
 12:44   Peter Jones (Competition)
 13:00 - 13:40   Sir James Hacker Golf Society (Society)
 13:30 - 15:30   Seniors match lunc - Restaurant
 18:00 - 23:00   Sir James Hacker GS - Restaurant
Fri 12 Jul
 13:00 - 13:40   Foxes V Ashford Manor (Club Match)
 14:36   Sachin Gupta (Club Match)
 16:20   Mukesh Sejpal (Competition)
 16:52   Rom Rahman (Competition)
 17:00   Foxes Pairs (Competition)
 17:30 - 18:30   Foxes Food - Restaurant
Sat 13 Jul
 07:00 - 18:00   Club Championship - Restaurant
 07:32 - 13:08   Club & Handicap Championship (Competition)
 13:16   Minako Hoshino (Competition)
 14:04   Brampton Match (Competition)
Sun 14 Jul
 07:00 - 18:00   Club Championship - Restaurant
 07:32 - 13:56   Club & Handicap Championship (Competition)
 14:04 - 14:20   Ladies Leighton (Competition)
Mon 15 Jul
 07:00 - 08:00   Inter-County Womans Fixture - Restaurant
 08:04 - 08:12   Middx Womens County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 08:20   . Middx Women's County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 10:04 - 10:12   Michael Lloyd (Society)
 12:00 - 13:00   Inter-County Womans Fixture - Restaurant
 13:00   Middx. Womens County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 13:08   Middx, Womens County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 13:16   Middx. Womens County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 13:24   Middx Women's County 2nd Team (Club Match)
 13:32   Middx. Women's Count 2nd Team (Club Match)
 13:40   Middx. Women's County 2nd Team (Club Match)
Tue 16 Jul
 09:24   Carolyn Matthews (Competition)
 11:32   L Horwood (Competition)
 12:00 - 16:00   Strongfield Tech Group - Conference Room
 15:00   Barry Lemmon (Competition)
Wed 17 Jul
 09:00 - 10:30   HHS v Hendon (breakfast) - Restaurant
 10:36 - 11:24   HHS V Hendon (Club Match)
 15:00 - 16:30   HHS v Hendon (sandwiches) - Lounge Bar
 16:04   Bill Grimes (Competition)
Thu 18 Jul
 09:16   Jo Winstanley (Competition)
 10:04   Angela Spelman (Competition)
 10:36   Skinner Match (Competition)
 13:00 - 14:00   David Adams Golf Day - Sun Lounge
 14:28 - 15:08   David Adams Golf Day (Society)
 19:00 - 20:00   David Adams Golf Day - Sun Lounge
Fri 19 Jul
 09:08   Angela Spelman (Competition)
 09:16   Harris Cup (Competition)
 10:04   Arun Patel (Competition)
 13:00   Christine Padoin (Club Match)
 15:00   Skinner Match (Competition)
Sat 20 Jul
Ladies v Pinner Hill (A) 11.30
 07:30 - 22:30   Sudbury Salver - Restaurant
 07:32 - 09:56   Sudbury Salver (Competition)
 11:48 - 15:00   Sudbury Salver (Competition)
Sun 21 Jul
 09:32 - 10:04   Ladies Marley Bowl (Competition)
 12:04 - 12:20   Bullivant Bowl (Club Match)
 13:00   Skinner Match (Competition)
 18:00 - 19:00   Bullivant Bowl Match food - Restaurant
Tue 23 Jul
 09:24 - 10:36   Lady Captains Day (Competition)
 14:00 - 17:00   Ladies Captain's Day - Restaurant
 17:00 - 19:00   Firefly Meeting - Conference Room
Wed 24 Jul
 10:04   Foxes Match (Competition)
 17:00   Guillaume Rondio (Competition)
Thu 25 Jul
 12:00 - 15:00   Greenford Rotary Club - Restaurant
 13:00 - 13:40   Foxes V Pinner Hill (Club Match)
 17:00 - 20:30   Foxes match food - Lounge Bar
Fri 26 Jul
 08:30 - 17:00   Junior Open - Restaurant
 09:48 - 11:24   Sudbury Golf Club Junior Open (Competition)
 12:36   Skinner (Competition)
 16:04   Simon Lawford (Competition)
 17:30 - 22:00   Social Event for Members - Restaurant
Sat 27 Jul
 09:32   Foxes (Competition)
 11:08   Couper (Competition)
 11:30 - 13:00   UK Golf Society - Restaurant
 13:00 - 13:40   UK Golf Society (Society)
 17:00 - 18:00   UK Golf Society - Lounge Bar
Sun 28 Jul
 07:00 - 07:24   Rowse Match (Competition)
 07:32   Skinner Match (Competition)
 09:08   Skinner (Competition)
 09:24   Foxes Pairs (Competition)
 12:04 - 12:28   Tigers B V Ealing (Club Match)
 12:36 - 13:00   Rowse Match (Competition)
 17:00 - 18:30   Tigers Match Food - Sun Lounge
Mon 29 Jul
 09:00 - 10:00   Ladies match - Restaurant
 09:00 - 10:00   John Eade - Lounge Bar
 10:04 - 10:28   Ladies V Haste Hill (Club Match)
 10:36 - 11:24   John Eade (Society)
Tue 30 Jul
 14:04   Brian Proudfoot (Club Match)
Wed 31 Jul
HHS v Batchworth (away)
 16:28   Rom Rahman (Competition)

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