Sudbury Golf Club Sudbury Golf Club

Sudbury Golf Club - 1st Tee - Calendar - Oct 2023

Time Name
Sun 1 Oct
October Men's medal
 07:28 - 11:28   October Medal (Competition)
Tue 3 Oct
Ladies Medal
 10:08 - 10:40   Ladies "The Fall" (Competition)
Wed 4 Oct
HHS v Finchley (H) Past Captains Autumn meeting 1pm & dinner
 09:00 - 10:30   HHS Match Breakfast - Restaurant
 10:32 - 11:04   HHS V Finchley GC (Club Match)
 12:00 - 17:00   2000 Club - Restaurant (Lunch)
 13:04 - 13:36   Past Captains Autumn Meeting (Competition)
 15:00 - 17:00   HHS Match Sandwiches - Lounge Bar
 18:30 - 22:30   Past Captains Dinner - Restaurant
Fri 6 Oct
10.30 Society
 09:00 - 10:30   One Golf Club Society - Restaurant
 10:40 - 11:52   One Golf Club (Society)
 14:08   Barry Lloyd (Competition)
Sat 7 Oct
 09:28 - 13:20   Diwali (Society)
 18:00 - 23:30   Diwali - Restaurant
Sun 8 Oct
Captains Sword 2023
 07:28 - 08:48   Captain's Sword 2023 (Competition)
 09:12   Peter Cranmer (Competition)
 09:36 - 09:44   Be A Lady For The Day (Competition)
 12:00    (Competition)
 12:32 - 13:52   Captain's Sword 2023 (Competition)
 16:00 - 17:00   Dr Tun's family scattering ashes - Lounge Bar
Mon 9 Oct
 10:32   Paul Smith (Competition)
Tue 10 Oct
Ladies Stableford
 09:28 - 10:00   Ladies Stableford (Competition)
Wed 11 Oct
10.30 HHS v Stanmore
 09:00 - 10:30   HHS Match Breakfast - Restaurant
 10:32 - 11:12   HHS V Stanmore GC (Club Match)
 13:28 - 14:00   UCFB (Team)
 14:08   UFCB (Team)
 15:00 - 17:00   HHS Match Sandwiches - Lounge Bar
Thu 12 Oct
 10:00 - 11:00   Peregrine Golf Society - Restaurant
 11:04 - 11:44   Peregrine Golf Society (Society)
 13:44   Veronica Spicer (Competition)
 15:00 - 17:30   Funeral - Restaurant
 15:30 - 22:30   Harrington funeral (restaurant) - Sun Lounge (Funeral)
 18:00 - 22:00   Peregrine Golf Society - Restaurant
Fri 13 Oct
HHS Autumn meeting 12 noon
 12:00 - 12:48   HHS Autumn Meeting (Competition)
 12:56 - 13:12   HHs Autumn Meeting (Competition)
 18:00 - 22:00   HHS Comp Meal - Restaurant
Sat 14 Oct
Finals Day
 07:36 - 07:52   Finals Day (Club Match)
 08:00   Scratch Final (Competition)
 08:08   Ladies Scratch (Club Match)
 08:16   Skinner (Club Match)
 08:24   Ladies Brampton (Club Match)
 08:32   Finals Day (Club Match)
 12:40 - 12:48   Finals Day (Club Match)
 12:56   Scratch Final (Competition)
 13:04   Ladies Scratch (Club Match)
 13:12   Skinner Final (Club Match)
 13:20   Ladies Brampton (Club Match)
 13:28   Couper Junior Final (Club Match)
 14:00 - 16:00   Annie set up for party - Restaurant
 16:00 - 23:30   Annie - 60th birthday party - Restaurant
Sun 15 Oct
Ladies Stableford McGregor Bowl
 07:28 - 09:12   McGregor Bowl (Medal Finals) (Competition)
 09:28 - 10:00   Ladies Stableford (Competition)
Mon 16 Oct
 08:00 - 10:30   Ladies Pearsons - Restaurant
 10:32 - 11:20   Pearson's V Bush Hill P (Club Match)
Tue 17 Oct
 08:24 - 09:04   Seniors V Harrow School (Club Match)
 14:00 - 16:00   Seniors v Harrow School - Restaurant
Wed 18 Oct
 13:12 - 13:52   UCFB (Team)
 15:00 - 17:30   Gwyn Jones Funeral - Restaurant
 18:00 - 22:00   Catenians dinner - Restaurant
 18:00 - 19:30   Catenians dinner - Conference Room
Fri 20 Oct
 09:12   Ladies Leighton Final (Competition)
 13:36   Ladies Leighton Foursome Final (Competition)
Sat 21 Oct
Ladies Daily Mail Foursomes
 08:16   Foxes Pairs Final (Club Match)
 08:24   Foxes Knockout Final (Competition)
 08:32 - 08:40   Early Draw (Team)
 08:56 - 09:04   Foxes Chairman (Competition)
 09:28   Ladies Daily Mail (Competition)
 10:16 - 11:12   Foxes Chairman (Competition)
 13:04   Foxes Pairs Final (Club Match)
 13:12   Foxes Knockout Final (Competition)
 15:00 - 16:00   Foxes Chairman's day - Lounge Bar
 16:00 - 17:30   Foxes Chairman's - Lounge Bar
Sun 22 Oct
 08:00   Ian Fulda (Club Match)
 10:00   Greenfield Comp (Competition)
 10:32 - 11:28   Poignard Trophy (Competition)
 13:04   Ian Fulda (Club Match)
Mon 23 Oct
HHS V Mill Hill (A)
 09:44   Harris Cup Final (Competition)
Tue 24 Oct
Ladies 5 club
 09:28 - 10:00   Ladies 5 Club (Competition)
Thu 26 Oct
 19:00 - 21:30   Greenford Rotary Club - Restaurant
Sat 28 Oct
Texas Scramble
 07:52 - 13:36   Texas Scramble Shotgun (Team)
 14:00 - 15:00   Bongi to decorate the room - Restaurant
 18:00 - 23:30   Bongi - 60th birthday party - Restaurant
Sun 29 Oct
Ladies 5 club
 09:12   Paul Smith (Club Match)
 10:08 - 11:04   FBI Prize Comp (Competition)
 11:28   Richard J Rowe (Competition)
Mon 30 Oct
 09:00 - 10:30   South Bucks Golf Day - Restaurant
 10:32 - 11:20   South Bucks Golf Day (Society)
 12:30 - 16:30   Social Bridge - Restaurant

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